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The Feeling Of Rejection

October 28, 2018 Speaker: Andres Zelaya Series: The Book Of Psalms: Singing with Jesus

Passage: Psalm 60:1–12

  1. What stood out to you in the sermon today?

  2. When have you experienced rejection by a loved one? Did this affect the way you relate to yourself, others, and/or God?

  3. David’s response to rejection included, though was not limited to, doubt. Do you see doubt as a natural, spiritual component of your relationship with God? Why or why not?

  4. Jude commands Christians to “be merciful to those who doubt”. What does it mean to show “mercy” to those who doubt? Does “mercy” characterize your response to Christians and even non-Christians who doubt?

  5. Barna Research came out with a study that said that 65% of those who self identify as Christian have faced doubt. How does admitting doubt, and even brokenness, make us more open and honest about our faith? How can admitting that we don’t know it all or have it all together lead us to become more merciful toward others

  6. Eugene Peterson once wrote, “If I break my leg I do not become less a person. My wife and children do not repudiate me. Neither when my faith fractures or my feelings bruise does God cast me off and reject me. My security comes from who God is, not from how I feel.” What does this mean to you? Does it bring hope, or something else?

  7. How does knowing that Jesus was rejected because of and for us (ie the Gospel) change how we react when we feel rejected by God?

More in The Book Of Psalms: Singing with Jesus

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