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A Christ Supreme

September 23, 2018 Speaker: Dennis Hermerding Series: COLOSSIANS: Reimagining The Story Of Life

Passage: Colossians 1:15–23

A Christ Supreme

Colossians 1:15-23

  1. What stood out to you in the sermon today?
  2. What does the word supreme mean to you?
  3. What Is Paul telling when he says Jesus is the image of the invisible God? Why is this important?
  4. How was and is Jesus Supreme in Creation? (vss 15-17)
  5. Since Jesus designed everything about Creation how do you enjoy creation?
  6. How was and is Jesus Supreme in Redemption? (vss. 18-20)
  7. What does Jesus being the head of the Church mean?
  8. How does Jesus being the firstborn from the dead reshape how we think about life now?
  9. What are some ways that your life has changed since you were reconciled by to God by Jesus?
  10. What are the implications that Jesus being Central and Supreme for your relationship with Jesus? For your relationship with family and friends? For your work and social activities? For your service in your Church and in your community?

More in COLOSSIANS: Reimagining The Story Of Life

November 18, 2018

A Living Story

November 11, 2018

ReImagined Family

November 4, 2018

Resurrection Living