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The King's Crux

January 24, 2016 Speaker: Dennis Hermerding Series: CRUX: The Gospel According to Mark

Passage: Mark 8:27–38

The King’s Crux
Mark 8:27-38

Intro:  The confusion that swirled around Jesus’ identity has reached a fevered pitch and Jesus comes to his disciples to both confirm and inform them of who he is, what he has come to do, and how that effects those who would follow him. Jesus is drawing his followers to see that he is truly the King. However, as the King he must suffer and as the King he must go to the cross and if you want to be his follower you will have to go to the cross as well.

I. The Crux of Who Jesus Is

II. The Crux of What Jesus Came to Do 

III. The Crux of Following Jesus 

What if you really believed Jesus was the King?
What if you really embraced his love and forgiveness?
What if you weren't motivated by fear and death?
What if you weren't struggling to find value, worth and identity from things and people in this life?
What if we believed and followed Jesus?

More in CRUX: The Gospel According to Mark

April 17, 2016

The Heart of Jesus

April 10, 2016

The Supper

April 3, 2016

Prodigal Love